Adoption Services
Adoption Services and Permanency
For nearly 20 years, Delta Family Services LLC has helped loving families adopt children into a forever home. A safe, stable, and loving home can transform the course of a child’s life. We unite families and children in the foster care system through our adoption program. We provide the adoption services and permanency services needed to nurture a successful union.
Relatives and non-related kin receive first consideration for placements while a child is in foster care. We strive to strengthen a child’s connection to their relatives, culture, and community. However, children sometimes enter foster care if there is no relative or kin available to care for them. Consequently, we conduct concurrent case planning which helps ensure that children can move quickly to an alternative permanency goal if reunification with their family is not possible.

Our Approach
We begin with a meeting of the adoptive family and a Delta Adoption Caseworker, who explains the adoption process as well as the expectations for the adoptive family. The family must complete 24 hours of adoption training. Training includes sessions on Fire Safety, Crisis Management, and the special needs of children in foster care. Families will also be preparing a packet of materials used to write a Family Profile.
Families have monthly meetings with an adoption worker. There may be several workers visiting your home during this process. One will be writing a child profile and the other will work on your family profile and assist your family in preparing required documents for finalization of the adoption. Delta’s adoption program also works to provide a range of services including Child Preparation, Child Specific Recruitment and Post-Adoption Services to children who are waiting to be adopted through Pennsylvania’s State Wide Adoption Network (SWAN). Our current program license only allows us to provide adoption services to Pennsylvanians. You can request forms and learn more about adoption in Pennsylvania by calling the SWAN helpline.

Delta has been the guardian angel in our lives helping us to create the family that we had so desperately prayed for. It’s definitely the best choice I ever made to connect with Delta,”
Jackie Breault, mother who has adopted her children through Delta Family Services LLC
Permanency: Our work doesn’t stop at adoption
Any PA family that has provided permanency to any child can contact the SWAN helpline if having trouble within the family or with the child. The helpline will gather history from the family and then advise them of services available. Families are referred to an affiliate agency (like Delta) to assess their situation. We help determine if they would benefit from: 1) Case Advocacy: A caseworker will visit your home to identify resources and advocate for you, 2) Respite: This allows a family to take a break while knowing that their child is in the hands of a family who has gone through the same training as them, or 3) Support Groups: Parents and children can meet with peers to discuss topics of relevance. Adults meet while children join their own group.
Delta has years of experience providing adoption services using these strategies with families in Philadelphia, Montgomery and Delaware counties. Our team of skilled social workers is available to help families. Through our SWAN contract, we also provide Post-Permanency services to ensure that families are sustainable and thriving.