- 24-hour care for children in an approved foster home (no more than six youth, including natural children)
- Services to birth/legal parents (and other potential permanent caregivers) aimed at achieving permanency for children through reunification with birth/legal parents, adoption, or permanent legal custodianship
- Services to prepare youth aged 14 years and older for independent living.

Kinship care
Medical Foster Care (MFC)
Children eligible for MFC may be:
- Premature babies with resulting developmental impairments
- Babies that came in contact with drugs during gestation
- Children with cerebral palsy
- Children with multiple diagnoses and conditions
Treatment Foster Care (TFC)
Delta’s TFC program offers emotional support for children with special emotional and/or behavioral needs within therapeutic, structured family settings. The goal is to place the child permanently, in addition to helping them reach their behavioral goals in the process. Ultimately, with a specialized treatment plan, the child can be “stepped down” to a lower level of care after successfully addressing the behaviors. In addition, TFC may help prevent a child from being “stepped up” to a more restricted treatment plan.
To clarify, you must complete certain training topics before you can qualify as a TFC resource parent. Serving as a foster parent for a TFC child, requires emotional stability, an open mind, and a team approach. However, you are not alone. TFC parents partner with agency staff. As a team they advocate on behalf of the child to obtain education, vocational, and medical services. In addition, they work to obtain community recreational services that support the treatment goals.