We offer many programs for children and families in our region. Children engaged with County Children and Youth Agencies are eligible for the services below. In addition, we structure services to achieve timely permanency for the child and meet individual needs. Delta Family Services LLC provides:
- General Foster Care Services
- Kinship Foster Care Services
- Medical Foster Care Services
- Treatment Foster Care Services
- Adoption Services
- Supervised Independent Living (SIL) for adolescents (ages 17-21) and young mothers
- Supported Supervised Independent Living SSIL
Delta programs have multiple goals. Consequently, we work to achieve many goals at once.
Safety: The primary goal of the child welfare system is child safety. At each stage of Delta’s involvement safety is paramount. Safety considerations guide the plan for general foster care services.
Permanency: Foster care services ensure a permanent family for the child. We strive to help each child return to his/her legal family. However, when that is not possible, permanency can be achieved through the child’s adoption. Children may also be placed with a permanent legal custodian.
Well-Being: Services meet a child’s physical needs. But plans are also coordinated to maximize the child’s emotional, social and intellectual potential. Delta programs recognize and value each child’s immediate and extended family. In addition, they honor his/her ethnic, racial, and religious heritage. Whenever possible, children will be placed with their siblings.
Stability: Many children have had a disruptive and chaotic experience of separation from their family. Consequently, stability is the cornerstone of a child’s placement. We achieve stability through skillful recruitment and training of resource parents. In addition, our team guides careful matching of children and families. Delta also ensures that resource families get support and resources. This helps to prevent multiple foster family placements. Nevertheless, if it’s in the children’s best interest to move to another placement, we carefully monitor that transition. To clarify, our goal is to maximize the safety and well-being of each child.
If you want to learn more, then click below for details.
Foster Care
Click the link below to learn about our adoption services or to learn more about our work with Pennsylvania’s State Wide Adoption Network (SWAN).
Adoption Services
Click the link below to learn about our evidence-based programs for teens. In addition, check out these photos of Delta staff and alumni from our Teen Outreach Program (TOP). In fact, these are from our 2021 TOP program at West Philly High School.
Teen Programs