We offer training for foster parents and adult education classes, too!

At our facility, we offer on-line college courses for students enrolled in studies at our Harcum College community partner site . If you prefer to attend learning sessions in our facility, call and ask about plans to resume training in our building, too. In addition, we host virtual orientation and training sessions for foster parents.
Why we offer onsite learning
According to a January 2021 article published in INSIDE HIGHER ED, even though “an estimated 80 percent of youth in foster care hope to attend college, studies have found that only an estimated 3 percent to 5 percent successfully complete an undergraduate degree — compared with 29 percent of the general population.”
Consequently, Delta Family Services has been working with community partners to create accessible educational options for young adults. We currently offer college classes at our facility through a partnership with Harcum College. Delta Family Services operates a Harcum partner site in our Glenside, PA facility. The program offers convenient evening courses, which meet twice a week. Tuition rates are also affordable! Click here for the 2021-2022 Program Calendar.
Program participants become fully-matriculated students of Harcum College — in fact, Harcum College awards their degree. Read more here about youth from Delta’s SIL group who have matriculated into Harcum’s program. We also work with other community education organizations like Launch, Inc. (formerly Communities in Schools of Philadelphia) to enroll youth in technical certification programs.

Attend our training for foster/resource parents

“Never had I imagined I would be a foster parent, let alone an adoptive parent in my lifetime, however someone else had better plans for me. When I started the process of being a foster parent I planned on it being a temporary situation, boy was I wrong and I have never been happier being wrong. Taking in children with various backgrounds, health concerns, and mental health concerns does have its challenges I won’t lie, but the impact made on those children’s lives could not be more important,” Jackie Breault, mother with Delta’s foster care program (her children appear, left).
We’re Seeking Compassionate Parents!
According to the PA Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN), “there are approximately 15,000 children in temporary foster care in Pennsylvania.” We think that needs to change, don’t you? As a foster parent, you will offer the gift of stability to a child and also make a lasting impact!
Here are the basic requirements for becoming a foster parent:
- Individuals interested in becoming foster parents must be at least 21 years of age and complete an extensive background check.
- To ensure the child’s safety, as well as meet state laws, Delta conducts criminal background and child abuse checks
- Foster families don’t need to be well-off financially. However, the home approval process requires a detailed evaluation of your family picture. This will include family history, financial stability, as well as an assessment of physical space in the home.
Are you ready to learn more about becoming a foster parent? Would you like to participate in a resource (foster) parent training?
Click below for a sample calendar of training sessions for prospective foster parents:
Click on the link below to get the application form.

Please forward your completed resource (foster parent) parent application form to ciannetta@deltafamilyservices.org
For a full schedule of foster parent training requirements, click here: